Thursday, July 7, 2011

Inspiration - Jennifer Lilya

Recently i was writing an article about how Barbie influences a woman's life (check it out here and was doing some research online. Barbie has been a huge influence in my life and as a fashion illustrator i can relate my style to the look of the barbie. so what i want to say here is that, i have been going through works of a lot of illustrators but never really found one who i can relate to until recently.

She's called Jennifer Lilya. I came across her site and has been hooked since then. Her girls looks so much like barbie dolls to me. they are all colorful, fun and gorgeous!

she has been drawing since the 90's and has more than 7000 fans on her Facebook Page! Yes! it's impressive! and she's such a lovely lady, who accepts her friend requests in a flash and ALWAYS comment back with feedback! I want be successful like her one day! here are some of her girls. check her website for more breathtaking Lilya Girls (



  1. I really love all your work .. amazing <33

  2. I have never failed to be impressed buy you fine woman be well daughter come bask with us if you choose
